
It doesn’t matter as much what you do or don’t do on this day; some are separated from family, others enmeshed, setting the table with monogrammed napkins, prepping a menu handed down from generations previous. Some work long shifts in the ER, other’s meet at soup halls or shelters to share. Thanksgiving looks different to all of us, but if one thing lasts it should be this: reflection on your thankfuls. Here are some of what we’re thankful for:tattly_julia_rothman_coffee_web_design_01_grande

  1. Washing machines
  2. Family, whether related or non
  3. Fireplaces, for drying wet running shoes or reading beside
  4. A good sweater
  5. Coffee
  6. The barista who remembers your order
  7. Sundays that are long & slow
  8. Wine, all types
  9. Friends
  10. Health89975-joey-thanksgiving-pants-gif-Fr-JgmY
  11. Nut butters
  12. Tampons
  13. Chocolate, all types
  14. Dogs that listen
  15. When your cat gets under the covers to cuddle, as the wind howls and degrees drop
  16. Elastic waistbands
  17. Cheese, all types
  18. Caller IDFinding_Mastery_Podcast_logo_FINAL2
  19. Vacations that don’t feel quick-lived
  20. Sound
  21. Fleece blankets
  22. A friend & teammate that sends you daily encouragement the 2 weeks prior to your marathon
  23. Trails covered in seasonal disarray
  24. The kind of sky that makes everyone stop
  25. A page-turner
  26. A good boss
  27. Community
  28. Podcasts103012-star-wars111
  29. Learning something new
  30. When someone loves you without hesitation
  31. When your football team wins
  32. When you get sick and then you get better and you feel lucky, invincible, thankful
  33. A raise, a sale, a promotion you earned
  34. Giving without need of return
  35. Stars
  36. Star Warsrolfingoffice-6-of-22
  37. When someone gives you a compliment and you actually receive it
  38. Honesty without projection or defense
  39. Bachelorette parties
  40. That all who love & believe in marriage, can
  41. Not having osteitis pubis
  42. Rolfers
  43. Teammatestzmtqkk9ljalaixlagc3
  44. Beer, all types
  45. A well-organized race
  46. Canadian running
  47. Celebrating all body-types, lifestyles, choices
  48. Things that slow you down like a walk, a photograph, a memory
  49. That guy that picks up garbage off the trail every morning before sunrise, leading people to believe that everything is a little bit _______.
  50. All those that suffered so that we may reflect and be thankful here


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