REBOUND and the Al Coyle Community Trail 5k


This summer Bellingham Distance Project has been working with the kids of Rebound, helping them to prepare for their first 5K.  The group has been meeting weekly and will end their season with the Al Coyle Community Trail 5K which coincides with the Lake Padden Trail Half Marathon on October 17th.  Many of the kids in Rebound have endured bigger obstacles in life than most people have had to conquer.  Rebound is a nonprofit group that “exists to bring hope and healing to kids and families whose childhoods have been tainted by abuse, poverty and neglect.”  Rebound has a 7-week summer camp, Ray of Hope, where the kids can build strong friendships, develop mentoring relationships and create hope and healing in their lives.

Through the weekly sessions the kids have learned running drills, games and most importantly, the ability to push themselves further than they thought was possible.  They will continue to meet after school until October 17th, where they will race the 5k at Lake Padden at 9:00 am.

We invite all of you to come out to Lake Padden on October 17th at 9:00 am.  Whether for cheering, to support an amazing local cause in Bellingham, or to re-instill a sort of empowered youth within yourself, your support would be much appreciated by Rebound, BDP, and most importantly, the racers.  Looking for a way to show support?  Here are 3 ways:

1) Run the race. Entry fees go directly to Rebound of Whatcom County to provide funding for Ray of Hope camp and for school year activities.

2) Be a Running Buddy. We are looking for enthusiastic males and females to partner with the kids in their 5K.  If interested please email:

3) Cheer them on!  Please come out to Lake Padden and take part of the 5K and National Trail Half Championship festivities.


For more information see:
Al Coyle Community 5k SIGN UP
REBOUND of Whatcom County Website
REBOUND of Whatcom County on Facebook
Lake Padden Trail Half Marathon on Facebook

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