Glute Strength Routine

Whether you are tackling trails or trying to improve on your speed and power on the track, maximizing glute and hamstring activation is key. It will also help reduce the injuries caused by hip weakness and quad dominance while improving overall running form. The key to all strengthening programs is activating the right muscles in the right way, so if you don’t feel like you fully understand or “feel” the exercise, ask a professional for some personalized pointers. Check out our Glute Power Lifting routine below:

42bb947a-c731-48fb-88c8-ab1c8b5947af13e04599-8c44-45b9-8d68-de8a364d0e53Step Ups

  • Use: kettle bell held at chest/center, two hand weights held at sides, or sans weight.
  • Begin with your foot on an elevated surface (box, pref. 2-3 ft. high – you can work your way up)
  • Extend your stance leg and drive your opposite knee up until in thigh high single leg stance (90 deg. angle), while engaging your core. Ensure your stance leg is fully extended but not locked.
  • Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower back down
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 on both sides. Focus on QUALITY of movement and stability.


Long-bridge (with hip flexion)bfdc734b-06c9-419b-9ac1-c1f7298fd2d4

  • Use: Step or plyo-box and resistance band
  • Utilizing step or plyo-box, maintain hip extension
  • Simultaneously perform hip flexion both with / without resistance
  • Perform 8-12 repetitions, completing 3 sets



Romanian Dead Lift


Requires a little more movement from the hips than a conventional deadlift, making it more hamstring and glute dominant. If you can demonstrate this move with symmetry, you’ll enhance your mobility and control over your body. 

  • Standing on one leg with knee slightly bent, lean forward at hip while
    simultaneously lifting opposite leg.
    o If performing with weight ensure the weight is in the opposite hand of the balance limb.
  • Pause and return to standing upright by squeezing your gluteal muscles (butt) and hamstrings
  • Repeat 8-10 times for 2-3 sets

Hip Thrust

The hip thrust and single leg deadlift are excellent for runners because they develop strength in your hip extensors (glutes), which are crucial for producing a powerful stride and controlling unwanted motion at the knee. 

4fb0ca5d-9c92-4300-8f05-447a24f24cb8 26f404f1-bc1e-41fe-a2c5-abd2d5538dd5

  • Begin with shoulders supported by bench
  • Using <100 lbs. slowly press hips toward ceiling and HOLD – do not arch back! Squeeze your glutes.
  • Continue for 8-10 repetitions, 3-4 sets


Deadlift Progressiondd62a3e3-167d-4035-bfb7-e8143921d06f

  • Hips/bottom moves back and forth – (this is NOT a squat where they would move up and down)
  • During ascent pull the weight evenly and put force into the ground through your heels
  • Squeeze glutes together and adopt a down and back position of the shoulders (maximize recruitment of scapular stabilizers)


  • 7156fa9e-075c-498c-a40a-f8b7a3c46a67The spine needs minimal to zero movement, which requires serious core engagement and body awareness. If you increase the load, it increases the postural demand.
  • Aggressively drive the hips backwards before dropping down. This properly loads the hips by engaging the posterior chain (calves, hamstrings, glutes).
  • Holding kettle bell, full depth squat with 20-45#’s, 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets
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