7th Annual Thanksgiving XC World Championships

12219577_1162587587089360_6166156909261004937_nKlicks is set to host the 7th annual Thanksgiving XC World Championships! If you haven’t yet participated, the time is now. Personally, I like to earn my glutton for the day, and with a 9:00 am start, you get to sleep in a little prior to. Bring your whole family. Dress your baby up as a turkey. Eat turkey while you run. Have a couple brewskies before you run. Test yourself. Don’t try. Walk it. Race it. You name it. In previous years there have been people clad in wiener, mustard and ketchup costumes, tutus, capes, necklaces, headdresses, shirtless, pushing strollers, and on. Creativity is encouraged. The forest welcomes all. Want to know the best and most cool two details of all time? 1) It’s free. 2) Participants get a sweet magnet. I mean, these magnets are highly sought after… Details are as follows:
WHEN – Thanksgiving, Thursday November 26, 2015  at 9:00 am
WHERE – Cornwall Park (3424 Meridian St. Bellingham, WA 98225)
WHY – Because.
For more information check out the event on FACEBOOK!

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