Despite the year, many of our athletes have accomplished rad things in regards to their running ventures. One such, and most recently was Scarlett’s FKT set on the Copper Ridge Loop (WA) (unsupported) just a few days ago, on Tuesday, September 29th. Scarlett set the FKT in 7h 49m 32s. This is her account:
I ran/hiked the Copper Ridge Loop from Hannegan Pass TH on Tuesday, Sept 29th. I decided to run the loop counter-clockwise descending down into the Chilliwack River valley first, then climbing up to Copper Ridge and running back along the ridge to Hannegan Pass. I ran solo carrying all my food, and a BeFree bottle to filter water along the way. Water was plentiful along the way given that the area had gotten 3+ inches of rain (and some snow) the weekend before.
I read Wyatt’s strava report from earlier in September and was a little nervous about an aggressive blueberry eating bear encounter, so I carried a small hand-held pepper spray and also kept my poles out for longer than necessary. Didn’t see any bears though, just some blue poop!
Beautiful day in the valley and up high along the ridge. The second half of the run ascending Copper Ridge and then running along the ridge was harder and slower than I expected/remembered from past times on this loop. I was very glad to get back to the TH!
– Scarlett Graham
Result verification can be found on the FKT website HERE!